Thursday, September 18, 2014

Planning ahead

This is my third year doing this project. Both of the previous times I felt happy, but also relieved at the end. And both times I thought it would be my last. There's a bit of pressure to keep it going every single day, even when you're not feeling it. And sure sometimes ideas or opportunities are scarce for one reason or another.

But somehow, time passes, summer winds down, and I feel like maybe I'd regret it if I didn't do it again. And as October approaches, I realize that of course I'd regret it. The amount of positive feedback I get from people like you always keeps me going right up until the end. People have said this project inspires them. Well you inspire me. Your comments, your words of encouragement, your donations, your own random acts, they motivate me much more than you probably realize.

So this year, I thought I'd try something different: Planning ahead. I know, I know. It's a little bit crazy. Well, don't worry, there's plenty more crazy in store so stick around.

I've already signed up for not one, but two 5k charity runs. If you're local and you'd like to run, walk, crawl, and/or keel over with me, please let me know.

My first run is on October 11th: The 16th annual Triangle Run/Walk for Autism, supporting autism research. This is for my daughter Amelia, who is 11 years old, and has severe autism.

My daughter Amelia
I'll make you a deal: For every donation made on my page, regardless of the amount, I will add one additional day of random charity and/or kindness to this project.* So if ten people donate, my 44 good days become 54 good days. You get the idea.

(* - I'd better cap this thing at 60 days, just to be safe... Otherwise I might need to recruit some additional participants to fill in for me.)

[UPDATE: Check out my 44 Good Days: Special Edition post if you'd like to play along with me!]

My second run will be three weeks later, on November 1: The LUNGe Forward 5k, supporting lung cancer research. This is for my mom, who has had more experience with lung cancer than anyone should. 

I'll make you a deal on this one too: If the total donations on my page exceeds $500, I will shave my head. Double that, and the facial hair goes too.

My mom, my younger son, and me

And with that, I'd better get back to the exercise bike. I'm following a modified Couch-to-5k program because, I mean look at me! Do I look like a runner to you?

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