Saturday, October 11, 2014

Day 11

Today was the Triangle Run/Walk for Autism. This year I joined up with a team - the Autism Society of North Carolina Orange & Chatham County Chapter. It was really great to spend some time chatting with other parents who face some of the same challenges we do -- though as is always the case with autism, every situation is a little different.

It's always great to see this massive crowd of people, all coming together for the same reason. As a whole we raised almost $300,000 for ASNC.

(If you'd like to donate, you still can, at least through the end of the month. And remember that for every donation, I add another day to the end of this project.)

I opted to walk with the majority of the team rather than run by myself. In this case I wanted to interact with these people more than I wanted to prove anything to myself.Just to make sure I was fully complying with my mandate to do something good every day, I carpooled over with some of the team, and I picked up empty water cups along the route and disposed of them.

One 5k down, one to go. Next time, I'll run. 

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