Thursday, October 16, 2014

Day 16

My first attempt today was a total failure. I had to run an errand, and while I was out, I thought I'd deliver a small care package to one of the homeless men who are always around a particular intersection. For whatever reason, today there was nobody there. I'd like to think all of those men got the help they needed.

But as luck would have it, there was a man at a completely different corner. Of course the one time in my life I wanted a red light, it was green, and there were cars behind me. But I figured, no problem, I'll go around the block. Then I figured while I'm at it, I'll grab the poor guy a sandwich.

The only problem? Not ten minutes later, he was gone.

So at that point, I had to scrap the plan. And eat a sandwich.

After that, I had an unexpectedly crazy afternoon. And then found myself stuck at home with some very cranky kids. I wasn't sure what to do.

I needed inspiration. 

To the box!

Look, what I found, you cranky children!


It even made them slightly less cranky for a while. I'll call that a win.

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