Monday, October 20, 2014

Day 20

Today was mostly about helping out friends. These are things I'd probably do with or without this project, but since they all happened on the same day, maybe I can lump them all together and check off Day 20.

So today I:
  • Sent words of support (along with a couple of silly YouTube videos) in an attempt to cheer up a friend who was having a rough couple of days
  • Sent a referral to a former boss, for another friend who would be a great fit for a job opening
  • Attempted to amuse and encourage yet another friend who had a big job interview this morning
  • Donated to a charity I probably wouldn't normally support, because a local restaurant where I was having lunch was doing a fundraiser
  • Stuck in traffic on the way home, I let people into my lane every chance I got (even if they didn't really deserve it).

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